
About Didi Drobna

Didi Drobna was born 1988 in Bratislava, but lives in Vienna, Austria since 1991. She studied Communication and German literature at the University of Vienna. 

Her literary work has been awarded with several scholarships and literary prizes, most recently with the Literature Award of the City of Vienna 2023. Her first book "Zwischen Schaumstoff" was selected to be the book of the campaign "Innsbruck liest" in 2016. Most recently she recieved a screenplay award and the Mira Lobe  scholarship for childrens literature. Her novel "Als die Kirche den Fluss überquerte" was published by PIPER in 2018. Her newest novel "Was bei uns bleibt" was published in September 2021 by PIPER. In her day job Didi Drobna works for an IT research center and teaches at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

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© Didi Drobna, 2024

Newest novel

Was bei uns bleibt

PIPER, Sept 2021

Buchcover von "Was bei uns bleibt" von Didi Drobna: zwei abgewandte Frauen in schwarz-weiß